Integrated search engine

Find the information you’re looking for in seconds, whether it’s a job, a resource request or a candidate.

Our GetsMax and SimplyJobs software has a search engine that allows you to find the information you are looking for in seconds, whether about a position, a resource request or of a candidate.

In each module of your software you will find a search engine which allows you to sort the table of results by field of your forms, for example the postal code, the city, the languages ​​of the candidate, the media, etc.

A more advanced search engine is also present in the tank module . Indeed, this search engine has two operating modes: quick search and advanced search .

Thanks to quick search you will be able to enter the keyword or the surname / first name of the candidate you are looking for.
With advanced search , the operation is the same as in the other tabs, that is to say that you can search by field.

Once you have finished your search, you just have to save it in your favorite searches so that you can find it next time.